16 June 2009

Well meaning naive hippy calls for action !

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. Check this article out and read my comment on it below.

Bloomberg, June 15th
Paul McCartney, the former Beatle and vegetarian pop star, asked fans to go meatless on Mondays to help slow global warming by reducing the amount of gaseous emissions from farm animals. Cows, pigs and sheep bred for human consumption discharge millions of tons of methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Livestock accounts for about 18 percent of greenhouse gases, more than all the world’s cars, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has said. “If you want to fight climate change, it’s not only about electricity and coal-fired power plants: Agriculture is a huge contributor too and meat consumption is a big problem,” Jan van Aken, a biologist and agriculture campaigner for the Greenpeace environmental group, said today in a telephone interview from Hamburg. It’s “mainly burps” and animal flatulence, he said. Supported in his cause by celebrity chefs and Hollywood actors, McCartney said in a statement today that skipping meat a day a week is a “meaningful” change everyone can make to their lifestyles to help the environment. Less consumption may lead to fewer animals reared, and so emissions would fall.

It's me again. To bad McCartney doesn't know that last week yet ANOTHER NASA study has shown that climate change is hardly (the article says not) man (or animal) made and that it's mostly due to solar-activity. Well, duh! As you might recall, I earlier ranted on why you shouldn't blindly follow the "man made" hype.

Right reasons
I know Sir Paul means well but don't speak unless you know what you are talking about! Even if you are a Sir, and even if you were once part of a great band in history ! There are however very good reasons to cut down on eating meat! Not because it's sad for the animals (after all, animals eat animals too!). But from a scientific point of view it's just a horrible inefficient way to make use of the resources on our planet. And it's indirectly the cause for hunger in other parts of the world. And who wants that on their consciousness ? But you probably already knew that.

The most efficient would be to eat insects, but I don't think we are going to do that shortly. I am though! I'm thinking about studying in Asia for a couple of months ! Just to see what it's like on the other side of the globe !

Geek facts
While we are on the subject, d'you know that when you would eat nothing but blanched celery you would die of fatigue ?! It costs the human body more energy to digest the celery then it can take from it !

Got to go, talk to you all in a bit !