15 June 2009

Hacking democracy

Have you seen the news ? Well, Iran seems to be revolting over the outcome of their elections and as expected I am here to report on whatever I think is going on there. Well, wrong ! I will not analyze Iran today. You can pick up your own newspapers and do it yourself right ? Well you should, I do have a life besides this blog you know.

What I'd like to do is provide you with some background info. Over the years I have met several people from Iran. So here is a small history lesson if you will, to better understand Iran's current situation. Most of them cite the events portrayed in this video as the reason as to why Iran is so fucked up right now (Their words, not my mind you). To put current events into a historical context.

That's right. The CIA was responsible (operation ajax). If you go to their website you can also see that they are quite proud of that fact.

So you overthrow a guy who you don't like. Then you put in someone else who you dislike even more and then you complain and threaten to attack them. Woa ! Sounds like Iraq all over again !

The west still keeps buggin' Iran. Not only through official political channels like the UN. But also via "Black Ops". George Bush approved of several of these programmes against Iran. But we can only speculate as to its meaning as Black ops (wikipedia) are not disclosed in the name of national security..

Fraud ?
If it was that obvious than someone should be able to put out some evidence. Diverting even more about election fraud. Here is this HBO documentary exposing some of the non validaties in US elections over the years. Most of it seems to happen in the primaries. In that way only approved candidates from both parties (who are in bed together) are in the race for the presidency. Or do you remember the 2000 election ? Gore/Bush ? It's featured in this documentary. I'm sure glad in The Netherlands we got back to voting on paper again.

Are we the puppet people ?