02 May 2009

Not so new

As a part-time conspiracy theorist I was not surprised at the headlines on those websites concerning the swine flu. Today I clicked on some of the links, and this was the information I found most interesting while browsing, I'm sure there is more. This is just the stuff that struck me as totally important and not questionable. Afterall, despite my alternative media sources, I'm a conservative guy.

Republican congress man DOCTOR Ron Paul about this swine flu, interesting points are addressed.

A new Pandemic means a new Vaccine- But wait a minute, apparently this one was a threat before and it is making a comeback. Here is the commercials for the Swine Flu outbreak in ‘76. The Swine Flu has to mutate to have an effect on humans because it doesn’t normally pass from Swine to humans. So now it has miraculously done so again. It is going to have to get in line with the other flus and vaccines the government keeps trying to scare us into taking.