Wikileaks has released 70 United Nations investigative reports classified “Strictly Confidential”. The reports expose matters from allegations of hundreds of European peace-keepers abusing refugee girls to generals in Peru using Swiss bank accounts to engage in multi-million dollar frauds against the UN.
Now why am I posting this ? Considering the history of the united nations and the fact that they were supposed to be confidential, someone is bound to find something utterly disgusting in these reports. Send this stuff to your (local) media and let them dig this stuff out ! (or do it yourself for a change).
(read about) the united nations confidential reports.
The bulk of the reports were released today with 17 reports relating to Kosovo having being released on 24 Oct 2008.
A number of the reports are both classified “Strictly Confidential” and have selected regions redacted. Often these redacted regions can be “unredacted” by “cut and pasting” the blanked region. On the description page for each report, where possible, Wikileaks has provided a simple text version of the report that includes the redacted information.
"Since the number reports exceeds the ability of the world press to digest them, we ask that journalists and other investigators take responsibility for those those reports immediately before and after the month and day of their date of birth."