'In the second installment of his new audio blog, Alex Jones goes in-depth about his outrage over the BART shooting case, in light of new developments, including clear video and information about victim Oscar Grant’s pleading with the officer for mercy because he has a young child. Alex defends those who stood up to on-its-face police tyranny, despite the negative portrayal of the ‘rioters.’ Alex points out that the evidence points to a premeditated police killing made worse by a subsequent systematic cover-up & lies about the videos that recorded the incident and many other aspects of the incident. Worst of all, it appears that the officer, who has now resigned, is likely to go unpunished.'
If you want to listen you can download the audio blog of the somewhat controversial radiohost/documentary film maker here.

The video is here for anyone who is interested (needless to say; it isn't a pretty sight).
There is no way you can get around this. This was an execution. Now I know this is an American issue but I don't know how not to report on this. Especially when I know that people are trying to cover this horrific act up.
Almost weekly there seems to be someone who gets killed by a police officer under similar conditions. It's getting rediculous and even more so since I catch myself not even being surprised by it anymore ! I know that generally police are just good people with incredibly hard jobs but lets not ignore the fact that among them there are increasingly more psychopaths.
'Since the incident, Officer Mehserle has resigned from the BART force rather than speak with internal affairs investigators. The shooting sparked riots in Oakland that have already resulted in charges against protesters -- two weeks before a decision is expected on whether to indict Mehserle.'
I honestly don't understand why the system is protecting this officer. Poor Oscar, he was my age.
I remember a song covered by Nirvana from the meat-puppets called lake of fire.
Where do bad folks go when they die
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
Go to a lake of fire and fry
see them again 'till the Fourth of July
Thanks to examiner.com and infowars.com