07 January 2009
The revolution will not be televised
Censorship, so what else is new ? This documentary takes you back to a little news story back in 2002. Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez for two days was no longer president of his country. Instead he was illegally detained and removed from power.
The whole event was staged by the opposition in collaboration with the media but the people who elected Chavez eventually found out what was really going on; it was a coup d'etat !
At the time it just so happened that two documentary film makers where at the presidential palace to do a report on Chavez or something. For the first time ever we can witness a coup'detat from the inside !
Eventhough the documentary doesn't go into the people behind the coup (and it's far to pro chavez for me) it still remains fascinating to see how coups take place in this day and age.
Again it shows us that the media can not always be trusted and that events are staged (and now that we are talking about it, get real, you don't think it doesn't happen in the 'west' ?)
By the way, the documentary doesn't tell but 'allegedly' the CIA (who else right?) was involved. I will not go into that, but just remember that the CIA has a history with backing/training/funding groups in order to overthrow democratically elected leaders.
You can watch it here, but again beware, the first part is very soft and full of pro-chavez stuff, I assume you can see through all that and that you will focus on the main subject matter of the film.
This documentary isn't great but this (hi)story is just to important to be ignored.