Thankfully I got another opportunity in my life to see Oasis in Amsterdam. You might argue that Oasis are no longer relevant, but you can not argue that they aren't great live!
I was roughly 7 years old in 1994 and there was a song on MTV that blew my brains out. I was jumping up and down on the couch, I never saw anything like it ! It was the first time I realized that I actually LOVED music. But what did I know right ? I was 7 and all that MTV ever offered in the 90ies was U2 and err, something called happyhardcore.
So I was a fan for life from that point on. It inspired me to pick up a guitar and write a book full of meaningless songs of my own !
Looking back perhaps Oasis isn't that great. But they got my into music, made me listen to other stuff and there is no other band that can claim that.
Oasis was on good form, unlike the rest of the week, they even had to cancel a few shows because Liam had problems with his voice. The Oasis set was excellent from the start, and I must confess that I will never fail to be excited when Fucking In The Bushes is playing on an empty stage in front of me. Oasis seemed to be enjoying themselves out there. Liam was joking around a lot and left us with some memorable quotes. He dedicated slide away "to all the lesbians, you may think you are one, but you're not", which got a huge cheer, Ain't Got Nothing was dedicated "to all the homosexuals", with some very funny comments afterwards - "you might think you ain't one, you might not look like one. But they're out there".
Definitely a gig to remember, amazing versions of don't look back in anger and the masterplan by Noel and at the front (where I was) I had a great time with people jumping, crowdsurfing and singing along and actually doing the Woo Woo's in I am the Walrus and Noel "allowed" the crowd to sing the chorus of Don't Look Back In Anger, which he normally never does.
On my way out I did the right thing and bought myself a poster. Never realizing how big it was.It looks to be almost 2metres wide and just very very tall. So now I have a problem, where will it go ? Do I have to take Jimi Hendrix down.. ?