Today the European parliament decided to start treating all of its citizens like criminals. We all have to hand in our fingerprints if we want new passports, no joke ! The once free people of Europe are now becoming part of a prison planet.
Again, it's about keeping us safe, of course, from the terrorists.. who are among us.. always. I am starting to think this war on terror is a fraud. Honestly, it's a war on free humanity, that's what it is. The control grid is put in place to guarantee that no one becomes a terrorist, but there will always be room left in the system to become a terrorist or to be declared a terrorist. So the grid can (and will) constantly be expanded. In that sense the war on terror is working great!
Everything against this system (so I guess my little blog too) is suspect and on the grounds of that it is considered terrorism. A bit like the freedomfighters here in Holland in WW-II, remember them ? Before I forget; for the record I would like to state that I'm fighting this system in the spirit of Ghandi and therefore will never resort to any form of violence.
Let's get back to the subject.
It's Big Brother on steroids ! We are being conditioned on a mass scale, and no one seems to do anything about it. This is a system that keeps feeding of itself.
The media is reporting but there is one thing that is missing from almost all of the news articles; where is the outrage ?
I'm seriously thinking about protesting this in some way. If we don't make a stand now, when will we ? Let's make a stand, public life is becoming ever more privacy-less and evermore prison-like. Don't come to me with that I've got nothing to hide rubbish; it's the governments who don't have anything to know ! There is a reason for our human rights and constitutions you know !
I think for now there is a little catch. It's European law stuff which I'm studying. Last month the European court of justice (wow, i've really done my European Law homework) declared a proposed British law to be illegal that said that DNA-porfiles and fingerprints of people who never committed a crime could be kept in databases. It's a bit complicated to go into all of the details (which is certainly do not know, that's what makes it so complicated) but the European courts itself declared it to be illegal, which makes you wonder about this new legislation of theirs. I think this leaves an opening for law suits, so lets see what happens.
Politics divides us, it leads to terrorism which in it's turn is used to conquer us. Divide and conquer; a technique used in the roman ages to control people on a mass scale ! History, remember ? That's the stuff that history lessons should have thought us, but I guess education is part of the same system right ? I would be a lot cooler with the present situation if the people in power wouldn't constantly expand the grid. But I'm afraid they will continue to do so until we don't take the oppression anymore, just like George Washington wrote.
Newsreports like these really fire me up. I could and would go on forever but no one would read me going on about the same subject for 5 pages right ? And I have to be up.. in just a few hours ! I promise tomorrow I will lighten up and post a story about hot air balloons or something.
Edit: I found this quote online, it fits in perfectly with my point on this matter (I needed almost an entire page to express it though)
The debate isn't security versus privacy. It's liberty versus control.
- Bruce Schneider -
- Bruce Schneider -
spot on Bruce !