02 March 2009

Cruel fuel

Biofuel was introduced in Europe to halt co2 emissions by not burning anymore fossil fuels. This seemed like the right solution after we all saw "an inconvenient truth" by Al Gore and we were all so convinced and determined to fight climate change.

Other countries started to use Biofuel before we did in Europe but not because they wanted to do something about their climate, but because they wanted to decrease dependency on foreign oil producers. For example in Brazil fuel for years contained over 60% of Biofuel when you filled your car up. The European commission thought it was a good idea to order that all regular fuels within the European Union contained at least 2% Biofuel, as an effort to fight climate change.

Allow me to elaborate on that.

What do you need to produce a Biofuel ? A bit of land which you would normally use for the production of food. But when you decide not produce food is means that there will be less of it.
Basic economics: When supply falls prices rise.

Guess what, not everyone in the world can afford a change in food price! People were already starving on a massive scale before and with prices rising these people are eating less and less and this will end up killing a whole bunch of people.. D'you remember when it was a shame that a few years ago we produced enough food for anyone on this planet and what a shame it was that we didn't share it properly? In those days we were just fucking the poor populations of the world. Nowadays we are rapting and killing them through our policies, I'd like to talk about that.

The European commision mad it the law, and it's for our climate isn't it ? Well, contrary to what you might believe, the production of biofuels actually harms our supposed fight against co2. The demand for Biofuels has gone up because of this law, so people started cutting down forests so they would have more land to produce Biofuel on ! Forests are the only thing in the world that actually need co2.

And it isn't even an answer to our peakk-oil problems! If you would use all of the land on this planet (including impossible agricultural terrains like the Sahara desert) and you would use all that to produce Biofuel you would only end up with roughly 30% of the fuel needed to run the world. And that's not enough !

This shouldn't be news to you as there have been numerous articles on the subject. But every now and again I still hear someone going on about how great biofuels are. Thanks to this new law you don't just "hurt the environment" when you are filling up your car and going for a ride. Now you are also murdering starving Africans. You and I. We have murdered. We are so fucked up as a species.