27 March 2009

Weekend dreaming

This weekend they are going to be starting again. They who ? The Formula one circus! I will not sleep Saturday night because the race starts very early on Sunday morning and I feel to passionate about it to NOT watch it live.
It's on the other side of the planet, that's why I have to get up early. But people ask me; "why do you watch it Daniel ? It's so boring, no one overtakes, no one crashes anymore, no one burns or even gets injured." That may be true but it's still magic to me.

I don't know why my parents did this, but instead of leaving me infront of the tv watching stupidchildrenscartoons they left me infront of the tv with the motorracingchannel constantly on.

As I wrote in my poem on my old dutch blog; When we are young, girls dream about getting married and having kids. Often, their childhood dreams come true. Good for them.
Us guys fantasize about becoming racing drivers, football players, Rock Stars, but our dreams instead hardly ever come true. That's why we are so horribly attached to our tv sets, watching football matches, at night or at work we go to youtube and spend hours watching other guys who are crashing their cars, doing backflips on motorbikes that are on fire and we seemingly endlessly play videogames.

Women seem to think that it's cute that guys can act so childlike. All I see is sadness and un-achieved dreams.

I feel very passionate about some of the stuff I write about on this little blog, especially the political/conspiracy stuff (hence my infuriated rants). But If the establishment ever decides to try to shut me up, please, don't kill me. My ideas are going to live on anyway, and you are not going to shut me up by killing me, my message only becomes more powerful. Instead, give me my own formula one team and you will never hear from me again !
I will forget about poverty, stop wining about ruthless banker families taking over governments, I will eat all the shit they put in our food, I will embrace the end of net neutrality, loss of civil liberties and the stripping away of all our rights, honestly, I will ! If I would be a Formula one driver I wouldn't mind any of those things. I wouldn't even mind being famous, just let me do a couple of laps a year and I'm good!

I'm not joking either. Going trough the pictures of me growing up, I always seem to be around something with wheels.
Here is my facebookfotoalbum, all racing related pictures I found. When as kids we went to the library, because school made us take out one book each week, I would always end up in the small motorracing section while the rest of my class was fighting over comics like WHERE IS WALLY? The teachers would always forgot me and had to come back to pick me up. To this day I know all of the stories about the Formula one world championship in 1958 for example. Later youtube came around and I probably saw every interesting bit of motorracing history on it.

I'm not going to be a world champion anymore, the sad truth is that I realized this when I was about 9 years old so I stopped dreaming a long time ago.

Here I am, 7 years old ? alongside Ayrton Senna's McLaren, it looks hudge. The dream was alive however.