28 February 2009

A Satanic and Shadowy Elite ?

Conspiracy theorists like to talk about the people on the top and refer to them as puppets. Others go further than that and don't call them just puppets of the global elite but they say they apparently are part of some kind of sick occultist belief that includes (mock)sacrifice ceremonies and satan worshiping !

Satan worshiping ? What has that got to do with Michelle Obama ? Look at her left hand, is that what it looks like ?
If it is, then she joins a club of people in high places who have been captured several times doing the same signal (cool prisonplanet story about the signal), what's the story here ?

Secret societies ruling the planet ? That's the truth according to some conspiracy guys. Naturally I had to investigate this. The implications and thought of sick fucks ruling the planet is just to scary for me.

Bohemian Grove
For decades people believed that an annual meeting of the worlds most powerful people at the bohemian grove in the United States is at the heart of all these secret societies. It's existence has been denied for decades but after independent journalists turned up the heat so much on them the grove had to come forward and admit their annual meetings, nowadays the organization even has their own website !

At the grove these powerful people come together, dress up, listen to each others speeches and take part in all these weird rituals, all behind closed doors in the woods. But why ? A lot of them are public servants, we have a right to know !

Here is an official photo released by the grove, what does this ritual mean ?

Here is politician David Gergen (he regularly appears on CNN as an analyst), Alex Jones confronts him and talks about bohemian grove. When the grove is mentioned David isn't very amused ! Great stuff.

Here is a British documentary, not BY Alex Jones but ABOUT him. He had the balls to trespassing into the bohemian grove and film what he witnessed, this documentary follows him while he prepares, goes and comes back from his little trip. Sick stuff !

Skull & Bones
Wikipedia: Skull and Bones is a secret society based at, but not formally affiliated with, Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
15 carefully selected junior students at Yale University each year get an invitation to join. That's the only way you can become part of Skull & Bones.

The U.S. presidential election of 2004 was actually between -not only two cousins- two skull and bones blood brothers, John Kerry and George Bush ! George W. Bush writes in his autobiography, "[In my] senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society; so secret, I can't say anything more." Both of them were "Bonesmen" so one journalist had the courage to ask them both about it during their campaigns, their response is at the very least intriguing ! MUST SEE.

Skull and Bones is all about secrecy. I have found lots of people on the internet who claim to have sources within the organization and who claim lots of outrages things that can not be proved. So what is it ? I don't know.

Skull and Bones in 1947, with George H.W. Bush just left of the clock
So who were members ? Here is a wikipedia article about it (so before you start believing, check it out).

What IS Skull and bones ? If you believe Hollywood (the good Sheppard is a good example), skull and bones is a club of people who are destined to rule the planet. Here is a short youtube clip about it. Some say that Stanley Kubrick's last movie Eyes Wide Shut is about that.

So, what's the joke here ? All our (mostly christian) world leaders are tricking us and are actually working for satan ?
-"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."-
I don't believe that, the thought is just to horrible !

I don't know if all this is what it might seem but I am opposed to public servants meeting with powerful people behind closed doors. John F. Kennedy made a famous speech about that