09 December 2009

Are they are fucking with us in Kopenhagen? Climate summit Day 2

Kopenhagen UN Climate summit: Day 2
Hey! Here is a question for ya, I hope you can help me out cause this is really starting to bug me.

Who are all those people driving around with their Hummers on mars, jupiter, neptune, saturn, mercury, venus (fuck, what's the other planet I'm leaving out ?) ?

Because NASA and The Russian space observatory agree (note: an issue where the Russians and Americans actually agree with eachother..!) that our ENTIRE solar system is suffering from climate change and that the change seen on earth is very similar.

So you have to ask; how did co2 get on the other planets ?

Goddamnit !

The Answer is that co2 is not the sole cause of the rising temperatures, but that's hardly interesting. Think of the possible opportunities if you could blame the whole of mankind !

Al Gore only looked at the earth. Neglecting the universe and forgot to mention the sun (Al got an oscar for his "documentary"..), blaming us humans 100%.
Conservatively they (NASA& Russians..) think between 1 and 2% of this change is due to human activity. To be even more conservative, lets just ad a zero at the end of those figures, and you are still not near the level of guilt that Al Gore wants you to feel.

I've got so much climate stuff that I think I am going to counter the media and come up with a different angle on the climate every day of the convention.