28 October 2009

TV, the root of all evil !

This video is a nice illustration of the point that I am trying to get across. TV mobilizes us, and pushes people up against each other.

Fox News Associate Producer Heidi Noonan Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd During FOX'sGriff Jenkins Live Shot - 09/19/09 - Via http://mediamatters.org/ & http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

That the people there actually let themselves be used in such a way should tell you a lot about those people. Which is another great illustration for my next point. Everywhere I go I see outrage and anger towards governments and bankers. Now it's all very cute to see people excited and passionate about matters, it just so happens that these people hardly ever know what they are talking about. They are mad because they are told to be mad. As if people are so confused by life that they are actively looking for people to tell them what to do and what to believe. The characters on tv that we have grown to trust throughout all these years are becoming our new dad's. Are you looking for a new dad ?

Here is a thought; read a book ! Try not to behave like a moron in public and shut up if you have no idea what you are talking about. Otherwise you are just being used like the douche that you are.