Man on the moon. I'm still amazed by it 40 years after. How did they do it ?
For the record; I believe the official story. Admittedly, I'm a big conspiracy follower but you can trust me on this one because I checked it out. The moon landings aren't THAT suspicious. Honestly, there are better conspiracies for you out there !! For proven conspiracies just go to tin-foil-hat under categories here on the right >> take a deep breath and be prepared to be astonished. Let me get back to the subject of spacetravel.
So I have always been fascinated with the universe and all. Too bad I suck at physics because the debate about the universe sparks the imagination. It's ever expanding and some scientists believe it's only a temporary thing. Makes you wonder huh ? What's it all about.
But we don't appreciate the moon landings anymore. How come ?
Put it in a more historic context. Thousands of years from now, hopefully we'll be floating from one planet to another in our own private spaceships. They will look back at the 20th century and see the moon landing as THE significant moment of the century. While now it does not have the appropriate meaning yet.
But you can see right? How important it will become. So actually, it already is that important. Get it ?