Don't worry, after very carefully considering all my options again this morning I changed my mind for the 3rd time this week and finally came to a decision about who to vote for. I made another decision aswell; I will definitely get involved in politics somehow (and I promise that it will not ruin my blog).
In case you didn't know, today Europe voted to select the people's representatives. Representatives who have very little to say, because our representatives sit in parliament. The decisions are made by the commission, and they are not chosen by the people (Yes that is correct, as it happens, I aced my European law course, suck on that).
There was only one party who repeatedly mentioned this "flaw" in the system so in the end I had to vote for them because I feel very strongly about this particular issue.
Where was I going with this rant again? Ohyeah, yesterday night I wrote some stuff down in my moleskine. Normally I shout heavily at the tv set when there is a debate on about politics after 5-10 minutes, but I was watching it in the middle of the night so I had to keep my voice down. Still, I had to get some of it out. So I got out my pencil and this is what came out.
Watching the debates
I am going to say this because it has to be said:
there are stupid people. I'll be more specific.
They are on the left of the paradigm and they are on the right
I'm not part of any of them. Me, I am Bipartisan.
But it's hard, because people are so stupid.
Talking about stupid people; stupid people believe they are right.
The "stupid lefties".
They are social ! They mean well, therefore they MUST be right ! Honestly, that's what it boils down to. I am talking only about the stupid people now. No one is more convinced then they are that they are right. Just because they care.
They are so right that they KNOW they don't have to listen to others.
The stupid people on the right are perhaps worse. They don't often mean well for others, they think they are the most important people on earth and that everything revolves around them. Again, I'm talking about the stupid people. It doesn't even matter, for other reasons they do the exact same thing; they stop listening to others.
That to me is a stupid person, one who doesn't listen, doesn't change his view on any subject once in every five years. The problem comes from picking your place in the paradigm. Am I left, am I right ? This divides us. It turns politics into a football match, where you invest/support/choose a team and you are going to have to stick by it. Why ? Because you became invested, you associated yourself with the team, you chose it, it becomes part of you. Now you are part of the party (have you read 1984 by Orwell?).
I don't want to be part of your little left and right game. Wisely I watch and listen from a distance, trying to make some sense of all the games and the tricks that are played on you by the (partly) corporate media. I'm looking at the issues, and looking at them in a historical perspective, not responding to the everyday shocktreatment that we receive.
Listening and looking at the issues; that's what it's all about.
The important question is; why are these stupid people always allowed to speak on behalf of their group on tv ? They just anger other people. Making them believe even more in whatever they chose to believe in.
Where are all these smart and inspiring people from the left AND right that I know ? Why aren't they on tv ? They don't fuel anger on a mass scale but on the upside they can talk about issues, and that's what we should want, right ?
I'm not sure if people want this. Politics is becoming like a statement, it identifies you and who you are, apparently, because people get offended when they discuss issues that don't even concern them.
It's simple, politics should be treated as a social science and not as a sport. When/if humanity realizes this we can finally get on with our evolution.
The evolution of ideas.
It's time people,
time to grow up, we are and can do so much better then this.
Well that's it for now, we can all go back to bed now and forget about Europe. We can fill in a stupid questionaire on a website in 5 years time and then the computer will suggest us what to do. That's called being involved these days, our ancestors would be appaled and frankly I am too. Got to go, talk to you all in a bit