I have been working for months (but mostly thinking) on this post about the current economic/financial situation. Today, I threw it all away ! Ofcourse I didn't, but I am not going to post any of it. It included interviews with nobelprize winners, several economic theories and some documentaries. But today it daunted on me, something hit me. Somewhere right between the eyes. A thought far more important
Is there a crisis ? Well.. lets be honest, No ! A crisis is unforeseen, its something exceptional. This mess we are in today doesn't fit that description at all. For years people have been warning that this was around the corner. And they were very very very very sure about themselves, but how could they have been so sure then? Years and sometimes decades ago. Because this is a situation which HAD to happen, it could never have been avoided. Its logical.
Our world economy is based on growth. Everything and everyone must grow. Which is great, for a while at least. We must consume more, so we can produce more, so we can consume more so we can produce more. Etc.
The problem is that we only have one planet. Growth is not endless and definitely not continuous. But our economics NEEDS growth as it is based on it. Otherwise our systems collapse. It's that simple.
The climate is fucked up, the oil is running out, there is no more credit. It are all signs of the system reaching the pinnacle.
Our crisis is the cause of a diseased system. Throwing ridiculous amounts of money at the problem isn't going to change the faulty system, it's just taking care of the problems that arise from it. But they will come back. And then we need to throw more money. And then more, and more, and more !
Mr. Obama is not going to change anything.