01 December 2008

Cameras will spot crimes before they happen ! Minority report is coming to you !

Beeing questioned for a crime that you have not committed yet ? This scary prospect is becoming reality in England. Street camera's analyze your behavior and an officer will be sent to the location of the camera to question your behavior. The streets already are hellish enough as it is in England where there are 4,2 million cameras taking more than 300 pictures (2007) of you a day if you live in London and where some cameras nowadays even can speak to you and will order you how to act and behave !

The daily mail reports: "Computers are programmed to analyse the movements of people or vehicles in the camera frame. If someone is seen lurking in a particular area, the computer will send out an alarm to a CCTV operator.
continue reading here.

Will this technology be integrated with recognizing face scanners that will link up to databases bringing up questions like why is this person here ? Probably right ? They already exist so why wouldn't they ?
What's next, a micro-chip implanted at birth ? Warrant less spying by the government ?

This system changes the basic principles of western society; Innocent until proven guilty right ? Think about it, is it reasonable to live in a society where you are guilty until proven innocent ??
'Those who give up essential liberty for security deserve neither and will lose both' - Benjamin Franklin told us that, let's not forget that !